Soloist Sundays (Wednesday Edition): 20 Resolutions for Soloists

Welcome to the 66th issue of Soloist Sundays, a bimonthly newsletter focusing on longevity, balance and success on your terms for independent consultants, creatives and freelancers.

I'm your writer and host, Matthew Fenton. Thank you for being here. Today's post is a 4-minute read.

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Soloist Sundays, on a Wednesday?!? Clearly, this year has broken me.

Seriously, though - for those of you, like me, who are of a mind to draft resolutions, I wanted to put this list in your hands in advance of the new year.

So today I offer you 20 new year’s resolutions. In keeping with the theme of Winning Solo, they're all about principles and practice for keeping your independent business on solid ground.

I hope you find a few bits of inspiration on this list.


I will treat my independent business as exactly that – a business. It’s an enduring enterprise, not a hobby or a flight of fancy.

And it has all the functions of any other business – most importantly, of finding clients and improving their conditions.


I will control what I can control. Specifically, I will plan for my business at least quarterly, and I will execute that plan with ruthless consistency.


When planning, I will focus on the Five Mores: How do I become more efficient, more effective, more connected, more in demand, and more expensive?

If I’m improving any of those things, I’m creating a better tomorrow for myself.


I will treat my time as valuable inventory. I will track it rigorously, analyze it regularly, protect it carefully and invest it intelligently.


I will focus my limited time on high-value work. Almost anything else can be outsourced, automated, minimized or ignored.


I will incline my value upward. When I continually increase the value I deliver, I create happier clients, more referrals and higher income.


I will recognize that I am a marketer. It’s something I signed up for in this line of work.

And like all great marketers, I will do a few things well, not many things at parity.


I will sharpen my positioning. I will be precise about what I do, why I’m different, who I serve and how they benefit.


I will be grateful for every single client. The good ones show me what I should be doing more of. The lousy ones show me what to avoid.


I will screen my clients carefully and set my terms of engagement.

There are plenty of clients who are doing work that matters, for the right reasons, and with the right posture. Life is too short to work with the disrespectful, the short-sighted or the unethical.


I will do work that I’m proud to sign my name to, every single time. That’s the work that gets me rehired and referred.


I will be a pleasure to work with.

I will communicate clearly, manage projects effectively, hit deadlines religiously, and bring positivity and integrity into every interaction.


But: “A pleasure to work with” is not the same as a pushover. My clients hire me for my expertise and my perspective.

So, when necessary, I will speak truth to power and I will disagree productively.


I will deliver maximum value to my clients by playing to the height of my abilities – and consistently elevating those abilities.


I will not accept work that I can’t do well, no matter the payday.

I will refer it to someone better qualified, or I will tell the client the simple truth: That accepting this work is not in their best interests or mine.


I will recognize that independence does not mean I work alone.

I will actively seek out sounding boards, an accountability team, mentors and/or coaches.


I will define what success means to me.

I certainly won’t outsource my definition to an “influencer” or “growth bro” who equates success with making an arbitrary amount of money.


I will celebrate my wins – and not just the major milestones.

I will give myself credit for the daily habits, practices and mindsets that create long-term success.


I will remember that “work-life balance” is a false construct. There is only life balance.

My business is an extension of who I am. So I will start with my priorities & values, and I will design a business that works for me.


I will protect the asset – and I am the asset.

I will prioritize exercise, sleep, family and friends, hobbies and interests, reflection, and gratitude. And when I make promises to myself in these areas, I will keep them.

What would you add to this list? What other resolutions are you making for yourself this year? Hit reply & let me know.

I'll be back on Sunday, Jan. 7, with fresh content for you.

Here’s to your best year yet, in all the ways that matter.

Today Is the Day!

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Matthew Fenton

Founder & Chief Soloist, Winning Solo

If someone shared this with you, you can subscribe here.

With 26 years as an independent consultant, I can work with you to improve just about any aspect of your freelance business. You can learn more about my coaching services here.

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Soloist Sundays - Longevity for Freelancers & Consultants

My newsletter, Soloist Sundays, helps freelancers and consultants to enjoy longevity, balance, and success on their terms. Twice a month, in less than 5 minutes of reading time, you'll get tips you can put to work immediately. It's based on my 25+ years of consulting with brands you've actually heard of. Join hundreds of subscribers below!

Read more from Soloist Sundays - Longevity for Freelancers & Consultants

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