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Now increase your odds of success.

Get your free copy of Break Free!

Break Free is a 40-page e-book, packed with 11 mindset shifts to help you run a better freelance or independent business - and enjoy the freedom and balance you deserve.

Who's Behind the E-Book?

Hey, I’m Matthew Fenton, founder & chief soloist of Winning Solo.

I’ve been an independent strategy consultant for over 20 years. In that time, I’ve reached some very high highs, made plenty of mistakes, and survived at least three economic downturns.

I wrote "Break Free" to share the principles that have helped me thrive in a line of work that is often hard on so many, including plenty of very talented people.

You’ll also get "Soloist Sundays," a bimonthly newsletter that builds on the principles in "Break Free." Each newsletter focuses on one of the 4 B’s at the core of the Winning Solo model:

· Base (being it)

· Business (earning it)

· Bestness (doing it)

· Balance (living it)

No spam, no fluff. Just the things you need to know to level up your career as an independent consultant, creative, freelancer or soloist.

And if you decide the newsletter’s not for you, just unsubscribe with one click. Done and done.

So, are you ready to enjoy higher earnings, greater control and better balance?

Subscribe today for free!

I can't believe this book is free! It contains so much wisdom - I wish I had Break Free when I was starting out.”

Quickly learn what I learned the hard way.

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